Saturday, November 13, 2010


The best smells in PB always come in October, and the best holiday! Nuche and i went to Vons and got a good dozen pumpkins to bring home and carve.

the best part is slapping your friend with the pump guts. i asked her to put my hair up because my hands were dirty, and she says" this is the picture of a perfect friendship in any and every lifetime movie." hah

move it in front of your face. perfect!

mines the moon

I forget, that like so many other holiday traditions, that carving pumpkins sounds way more fun than it ever is( ex: snowball fights leave your face stinging from that asshole behind you yelling SURPRISE, jumping in piles of leaves hurts a lot when your dad leaves the rake at the bottom,christmas cookie decoratingYAY! "20 cookies?" "no, 300." Shit., snow angels? dumb. it looks like someone just explained jumping jacks to you and you didnt understand.)

The next day i went to the school and donated blood and made bloody popcorn(coincidence?) with melted red hots and brought some down to the PB rec halloween carnival. You can guess what Karl would dress up as...

veryy fucking appropriate.

mike wazzawskiii

this was a real game hahaha

waittt, is that? KARL STOOOOOP IT!!!!

Chipmans front yard. He built a scene of an alien spaceship crashing into no on D signs. Aliens support higher taxes, this is there way of protest.
then Dad and I went to kate sessions and found some iceblocks...

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