Sunday, November 28, 2010

I hella left my heart there

These past weeks ive had some really great calls and skypes from all my friends from San Francisco. Its weird, sometimes i forget how easy it is to make friends. Im glad I picked the right ones! Miss the SHIT out of you guys and ill be visiting soon :)God you guys are amazing. You have filled my awkward/hilarious/favorite spaces of my memory to the brim. haha oh you crazy fucks.....

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bug Juice

I get to school about 5 minutes late and walk into my art class a couple minutes late and some random lady in a muumuu is standing on the table. i get my easel and sit down and look up and she is taking her underwear off and the muumuu goes flying! I had forgotten that we were done with portraits and moving on to live models so my sleep daze had now turned into full alertness with this naked woman in front of me.It didn't scare me but the surprise of it sure as hell woke me up. Its interesting how nudity completely changes form when its in the name of "ART". Why do people think its so weird/disgusting? Not saying that i would do it(they make bank though, $50 per hour)but it really bothered me when the model took a break and everyone was saying they were shaking because they were nervous or uncomfortable sketching a naked person.getovahit. We actually had two dayswith 2 different models and i actually preferred sketching the chubbier one because she gives you more lines in her skin, and the skinny one wore really tacky jewelry.anyways...

Rachels volleyball banquet was after class and as team captain she gave out gag awards to all her teammates. It was my job to collect a jar full of rollie pollie bugs for Nayeli since she does those cool rolls on the court. I was ok with this job, until i realized that the stupid bugs migrated out of pb or something so it became an all out bug hunt. My dad and i went to his moms house and she had already started turning over every rock she could.Found 3.As a kid i felt like i could find hundreds in our garden! the hunt got scary a couple times when i got slugs and spiders on me, but i wasnt going to come home with only 3gray little shitballs.
we got up to about 14 and a half dead one. They were actually the scary jurrasic kind that are flatter, not like the round cute ones. The solution to less rollie pollies? smaller jar! see, shes so happy with her jar of bugs!

C'mon you asian child laborers, show me what youre working with!......Oooh large machinery?

If youre a youtube fanatic I'm guessing Bo Burnham is something familiar to you. If you dont know who he is and love vulgar tasteless puns put to talented piano-tickling then youll soon have a bo obsession as well. He has no boundaries, from epilepsy,tampons, hitler, aids, and dick jokes to infinity AND beyond. So obviously this makes him appealing to me, because if its offensive, its golden! I went to the show with my friends megan and mitch at SOMA. I just cant believe that this kid who was playing a keyboard in his room is now a touring one man show. He is extremely talented and i loved that to everything the audience shouted, he had an instant joke or reply that was hysterical, i mean he bumped into a stool and made an irritable bowel sydrome joke! just super clever shit. But now i finally have my biggest regret of my life. I had the opportunity to stand in line after the show and meet him but the line was long and i get oddly nervous so we just left. WHY WHY WHY Some day we'll meet again bo. and ill stand there with nothing to say and a smile bigger than a cheshire and say "gsdlgkdmfgvpomolfdsad;slc,eprosldcs;slasdfoidjg" so he'll never fucking forget my crazy ass. If im lucky he'll make a personal helen keller joke!

"rosa parks didnt call shotgun!"

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

"Welcome to MYANUS! i mean yours?"

real life choose your own adventure: go to Disneyland and Hollywood with your sister and mom OR stay home to go to your friends Uranus themed birthday party and a bo burnham concert? I miss my friends birthday every year so i knew that i had to go and not only that, i had to be a stellar mascot for her party. We were putting away halloween costumes a week ago and my dad handed me this white crunchy suit and i actually told him i would never wear it unless i wanted to pretend i was on a hazmat team( OK, it would've been a little funny after the mercury scare at MBHS)but the night before the party i was looking at my old drawings and BOOM Astronaut. really? how was that not the first thing i thought of? so i took the suit, 3 rolls of electric tape, my dads old white BMX helmet and sharpies and got to work. after 3 hours and a lot of moon walking practice i finished my space suit. i forget that when i actually dedicate my time im in love with what i create!

The day of the party megan comes over and dresses as an illegal alien and i put on my suit for her and we just laugh as i pretend to sit down because i cant bend my body into anything less than 130 degrees so i flop around on the bed asking "is this seat taken?" and then attempt to sit and fail, rolling off the bed. then she starts talking about how i think snow angels are dumb, so i pretend to do one, dumbly, and open my legs really wide and i hear this horrible ripping noise. i look down and i tore the entire crotch out of my suit. NOW I CAN NEVER GO TO SPACE! this was the moment in my life that i remember was my first real laughsohardbecausethisisfunnyasshitbutyoujustworkedsohardandnowallnightyouwillhear"easyaccessjokes"soitsoktocrybutpretenditsfromlaughingextremelyhard moments. it was a mixed blessing. now i got air flow to my legs so i wasnt going to faint in the party which was lovely. but i had forgotten that to get to the party i had to sit. in a a 90 degree angle.marstits. so when i sat there were two more loud sssshpppppfffssss noises for a rip under each buttock. peachy. but annelise was really happy that i had dressed up even though i was getting all weathered and we hadnt even left PB yet.

we drove up and when we went in mele gave us a tour and there was an empty room with black light and what felt like 100s of glow in the dark stars! onother room had silver streams in a circle shape that made people fall into its gravitational pull and yell "beam me up SCOTTY!" its kind of weird having attention on you when your anonymous i felt like i could act completely mental but there were too many people who knew it was me and it was bound to get hot in there so i had to take the helmet off( that became the token peice of the party! people would trade it, smack their friend in the head real hard,make funny gestures trying to drink beer, do the floating stance/robot then pass it off to another couple guys etc.etc. This kid patrick did this chain of reactions when i was next to him but added 2 more steps 1)start yelling at us in tongues 2) snap my American flag pole in half then run away screaming. this was the first hate crime ever commited on an astronaut. some more stuff happened, floated around, peopple giggled, i hung out with mitch and brian and we stuck pin the tail on the donkey stickers on everyones asses, more people giggled. The Watoosies played. I got stuck with a drunk ass bitch (dab) who wanted to share a cab to pb so i said yes whatever, she looked reliable. she gets wasted. she gets full of vomit and tries to put it everywher and when they ask who is her friend she points to me spacy girl. FUCK. itd be fine if she : was a friend, knew her address, knew her name. so megan and i had to tell abdul that she wouldnt blow chunks all overs his fancy cab. since i lost $20 in another attempt to get home(flat tire) i only had enough to get to brueggers. wed passed dabs house but she couldnt physically walk. we asked for her moms number and she gave us hers then got really excited when her phone would ring she got excited, not realizing. her mom came to pick her up and thankfully gave us a ride home the extra 7 blocks at 3am.

live long and prosper, just say no to 4loko.

You like Mike & Ikes?

You know how i know your ghetto? you went to a club called "Blaq Star" on El Cajon Blvd. so this happened on thursday and i couldnt have been more out of place.except if i were in Compton. It was in this room that looked like a rec room with hookahs everywhere, a DJ (who went to Mission Bay) and the oddest mix of people. I dont remember much other than when "whip my hair" played i was ecstatic and the green lasers were the best invention i had ever seen. I got tired from dancing like a prostitute so i took a breather and this black kid with the cheeto twist hair came up to me and told me "I liked how you shake dat ass out there" Not the best pick up line to use on me but it made me laugh. He sat down really close to me and i swear to god the next line put me in hysterics and i couldnt believe this was happening to me. He followed up with," so we should hang out outta dis place so i can see yo pretty face again.... CAN I HAAAAA YO NUMBA?" . eyes buldging, neck straining, in my face and i just sat there laughing and mumbling about my imaginary boyfriend George and blah blah but he started insisting really forcefully and not backing down. i panic in those situations and blanked on a fake number and just gave him my real one so he texted me the rest of the night and got no responses. God that makes me feel like such a bad person but i dont think we were that compatible, but an ass compliment from him was a high honor.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

texts about pie need to be answered

like in a couple days because so much shit is going on!Today was horrible. I woke up late, forgot my parking pass, felt sick, had to leave early before my pass expired, texted kevin at a red light because when i left the teacher passed back our tests(and we were talking about how badly we wanted julian apple pie haha). The light turns green and i hear a WOOOP WOOOP and i get pulled over for texting and driving AT A RED LIGHT! I really dont like when people text and drive, seriously, im a firm believer, but looking at your phone when the car isnt moving?wtf? it didnt teach me not to text, it taught me to look for cops next time. whatever. i threw my phone against the passenger door and the back fell off ( ok im a little too strong when i get nervous)but he knew and he had the advantage of the sun blinding my eyes so i couldnt even tell if he looked gullible or not to believe i had my head bowed for a breif meditation(probably give me a ticket for that too.). I didnt cry because my crying face would have doubled the fine. He did say he cut me some slack on the price but i dont give 2 shits or three fucks, if he really wanted to help he wouldnt have given me a ticket.

But since i was sick and emotional i sobbed heavily all the way home like this ticket mattered AGH. Ofcourse my mother cant sympathize without disciplining me first, "well if you had your wallet you would have had enough money to stay at class and this never would have happened!" gee, mother. i feel so relieved now that i know this could have been avoided but because of my bad life choices i ran into it head on! i was such an idiot, thank you for your gentle guidance! SIKE

i have a presentation and test tomorrow which added to the breakdown. i cant wait until its all over so i can go to a wand making party and the premiere of HP!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

My moms birthday gift

that we share with the world. It's like its your birthday too!


The best smells in PB always come in October, and the best holiday! Nuche and i went to Vons and got a good dozen pumpkins to bring home and carve.

the best part is slapping your friend with the pump guts. i asked her to put my hair up because my hands were dirty, and she says" this is the picture of a perfect friendship in any and every lifetime movie." hah

move it in front of your face. perfect!

mines the moon

I forget, that like so many other holiday traditions, that carving pumpkins sounds way more fun than it ever is( ex: snowball fights leave your face stinging from that asshole behind you yelling SURPRISE, jumping in piles of leaves hurts a lot when your dad leaves the rake at the bottom,christmas cookie decoratingYAY! "20 cookies?" "no, 300." Shit., snow angels? dumb. it looks like someone just explained jumping jacks to you and you didnt understand.)

The next day i went to the school and donated blood and made bloody popcorn(coincidence?) with melted red hots and brought some down to the PB rec halloween carnival. You can guess what Karl would dress up as...

veryy fucking appropriate.

mike wazzawskiii

this was a real game hahaha

waittt, is that? KARL STOOOOOP IT!!!!

Chipmans front yard. He built a scene of an alien spaceship crashing into no on D signs. Aliens support higher taxes, this is there way of protest.
then Dad and I went to kate sessions and found some iceblocks...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

It sucks being busy

And its not like i even have a job or anything right now, im just working on gifts for peoples birthdays and im editing 3 videos(1 for school where my grandma flips off a plane, and 2 for fun) Id rather be blogging. I feel like i put so much effort into gifts and then i get shafted aghhhhh. ive also been busy watching rachel play volleyball every tuesday and thursday. She had two articles in the newspapers this week! one in the Tribune and another in the beach & bay. Im really proud of her and her team for doing so well this season. for some reason they all keep saying she is like an avatar with tennis rackets for hands?thats a compliment... wtf?

ill be back soon, if youve been waiting. sorriez:)