Saturday, September 18, 2010


Comic con awesome costume idea ! CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS… Until you buy mens underwear and put in on over your nude leotard and realize that you look like a naked man with paper nipples, so I decided that’s not the best look on me. Instead I made a pedo bear shirt that im more excited to wear because its like an inside joke for all /b/tards and then I feel part of that underground society. I cant decide how I feel about Comiccon. Theres so much shit and yet theres nothing at all. Rows of comic book venders I expected and a few posters and action figure places but that was it. I loved the artists alley with all the illustrators and their portfolios and seeing the stars was pretty neat too.Escpecially meeting Obama
Day 1: I took Annelise with me and we drank a little before so the whole experience was that much more overwhelming. We had to dig through crowds of geeks and you know if anna is in any crowd drunk there will be some asses pinched and some pointing at me like I did it. This is her way of trying to get me a boyfriend and it hasn’t been working for 7 years but its still her go to wing girl move. Touching strangers led to some awkward situations, for example the kid with the Chewbaccah backpack. We stroked his backpack for a good two minutes without him noticing then Annelise pinched his ass, whispered that I thought he was a sexy bitch and then we were followed around and questioned on our favorite action figures (my answer…… “uhhhh gumby?”).
Whatever he gave me his pacman lanyard
Day 2: Rachel and I met up with marlee ,casey, tyler and nik and then I realized that I had been doing this all wrong! We learned from the masters the inner workings of Comicon and how to get the free stuff and the best seats with ease. Stalking free ice cream trucks, free pizza from Cartoon network and color changing cups, and most importantly a secret way to sneak into Hall H, the major hall with the celebrity panels that other people have been waiting 6+ hours to get into while it took us oh about….7 minutes? UH_MAY_ZEEN! Not to mention getting to see Tom Felton,the free harry potter shirts and the never before seen deathly hallows clip. People waited overnight while it took us oh about….7 minutes? Let me name drop for a sec, Blake Lively, Christoph Waltz, Ryan Reynolds, Sigourney Weaver, Bill Hader, WILL FERRELL, eva mendes, mark Wahlberg, seth rogen, ali larter, chevy chase, steven moyer, cam gigandet, and joel McHale. “but Ashley, didn’t you also witness a piece of Comicon history live?” When we were waiting for a panel to empty out and find seats we walked past this guy being held in a head lock with blood on his face and a still scene. It was eerie as we all kind of stood there and a few voices would yell out POLICE! Or MEDIC!Marlee and I both questioned our morals when we considered taking pictures. An argument had broken out between two guys during the resident evil panel and for some reason a guy in a harry potter shirt stabbed the other guy in the eye with a pen!
You can imagine how fast the twitter verse was tweeting in this room of thousands of nerds. Casey was on it, informing the public on what was going on while the guy behind us tweeted that some guy took off a guys head with a samurai sword (that’s actually believable when youre here). After that fiasco we managed to get cutsies in a whole other building by asking for peoples reentry passes at the exit when they left so we could see the Community cast. Ive never really seen a real real nerd before I sat down next to the trekkie and he snorted and poked me after every quick witted thing said.then we went to the top of a hotel into a buisness room and laughed at people doing those giant qtip fights.
Day 3:
Took Ximena and met up with Jahvin. We saw Harry Potters invisibility cloak. This is my invisible face, isn’t it obvious?
I bought pickle earrings,saw will shatner and drew at the sharpie station. For my first year I was really excited, but now that ive gone I don’t know if I would again, I feel like im just taking up a space that could be filled by someone whose obsessed with comics and they didn’t get to go because I wanted some posters that id throw away the next day. I would go next year and just stand outside, the best part is the people watching.

1 comment:

Marlee said...

memories made me lol. i love your perspective!