Wednesday, April 21, 2010

a pool of neeewwwdles

my split personalities, can you name them? No the last personality isn't UGLY, and yes i know its weird and concieted that i drew myself 4 times


ok let me go through them for you....
the russian widower? i dont know what this one represents actually. i drew it last because there was an empty space and i didnt want to cut the paper.

this is sweet ol ash. innocent, virginal,girlnextdoor. and i care about feelings! I like vintage grandma clothes and i say weird shit like golly and neato! i like the beatles ( but then again WHO THE FUCK DOESNT)and floral prints. this is also the gentler version i use when im meeting new people and dont want to freak them out too much.

3. my favorite version of me
laid back nerd. Harry Potter, vests, art, brotherhood 2.0, youtubeaholic. Quirky, SO FUNNY. it kinda sucks for you guys because you dont even hear half the jokes i say in my head that i either forget or are innappropriate.

4. the rare bad ass perv adventure ash, DGAFing about anything else other than having a good time, even if it includes breaking the law. not my most attractive face, but hey atleast im not into heroine and i still have all my teeth.

I like that i have so many personalities, but i wish theyd mesh together better sometimes or that i favored my geek self more in public rather than reserved #2. WORKING ON IT.

watched patch adams the other night and it made me excited for physical therapy. i love the lady in the pool of noodles, definately added her funny accented "newwwdles" to my list of favorite words.

oh and THANK YOU to the person who said that they liked my blog! thats one person. no but really i appreciated seeing that on my formspring. its such a weird thing to get questions from strangers. you get the negatives, but theres a lot more positives or atleast well thought out questions taht are really fun to answer! give it a try...

have a good night, and keep lookin up!

oh hai!

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