my brain hurts. Last night i had the deepest conversation with Jennys friends Evan and Kyle about infinity and the thought of forever. i dont know how i have never thought of that before. "space is neverending blah blah blah" then i slow down and think how theres no limit, and we cant even say how big it is because we have nothing that big to ever compare it to in our small insignificant lives. we are specks. less than specks. we have no purpose being here. we are born, we learn, school, work, love, retire,die. in the middle of that, if you think about it, all we are is poop machines. we just consume thousands of dollars in food and poop it out.look at the earth...
not to be pessimistic but isnt everything you do in life a waste? you are just going to die soon anyway. why are we so worried about scratched cars and people cutting in lines? is that going to really impact your happiness? i mean the whole world would be suicidal if this is what we had to fathom everyday, thats why theres religion, to give people something to concentrate on and give there little lives direction and know that if they do what the guy in the cloud says then they will matter, somehow.
But in an optimistic way of thinking, we are learning until the day we die and we get to better ourselves and experiment with the strange idea that is the human race.
Then they brought up the idea that as guys they dont picture living past a certain age. ive always thought i was going to grow old because im so cautious, but what if im that one strange case, like the girl who gets stuck in a tree shredder(fargo style). my grandpa asked me on my last birthday if i excpected to make it to 19. should i not have been alive? same for my dad, but with the shit hes been through, he shouldnt have made it past 30.
other than that intense brain wave, I went to Golden gate again and took cheeseball pictures and laughed at tourists.
went to a SF party and was not memorable, except for sonya dropped her phone under the fridge and some kid bit this girls birthday cake.
"the only place little chocolatiers are acceptable is in willy wonkas chocolate factory" my roommate jenny just said this gem because she is equally as grossed out by that midget chocolate show as i am.
GROSS.yet im still intruiged.
i went on the most beautiful roadtrip with sonya and ximena up the Northern California coast. We listened to our good old driving mixes with lots of america and van morrison etc and yelled at cows. We drove 170 miles all the way up to this little artsy beach town called Mendecino.This is what i want, to live in one of these beach cottages, own 3 cows and and orange grove. there is NOTHING better than driving on a sunny day with music, and the windows down with your best friends. then ximena painted this really cool flower on my hand and i made her hand into an octopus.
"i want to frolick like no other"