Thursday, October 7, 2010

Who has no shirt and supports domestic violence?

Thissssssss guyyyyyyyyyyy

The weirdest night of my life happened this week. Its too weird not to document. We went to a going away party for Nuches friend Nibley who is being sent to Iraq. Ok I just replayed this night in my head and I don’t think I can say much other than Megan got the new nickname “buttsex” and there was a skinhead in a tuxedo g-string with a superman tattoo on his chest.I need to remember this when im 50, look back and then pretend my life was wild like this every night.
Military people are a different breed. heres some ideas on what happened that night:

Baby man
Naked shower
Jacuzzi sex
don’t mess with Texas ANYTIME
nibley niblin on nip
Back massages
tuxedo G-string
"when naked Marines attack!"
Wife with the bible and a horse face

We woke up in the morning and watched the Hangover and drained the jacuzzi while i made pancakes. Classic. I hope you enjoyed your fucking flapjacks NIBLEY, they were made with love and jack because i couldnt find a clean cup :) Come home safe and soon.

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