Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Flash Forward

So lets do a fast little recap of the last couple months...June 29 Went to Rachels Volleyball tournament in Reno. I kept myself busy taping her slapping the ball in peoples face and walking around our hotels casino and listening to black people in orange jumpsuits singing Motown. I danced with this crack head lady and helped her light a cigarette but the tip of it fell in her hand and burnt it but it took her a looong time to notice and then she just started shrieking. Then for the 4th of July we went camping with cousins in Taylorsville which was really beautiful. I got to shoot stuff and hike, go to the rodeo, learned how to play hearts, and be ridiculously All-American.

July 7th Seaworld. Theres not much that I remember other than the free hot dogs and going on the wild artic with my seatbelt off and feeling that I was flying and dying when the avalanche comes at the end and yelling at the pilot for taking the DUMBEST shortcut . If you’re trying to fly away from an avalanche don’t go though a narrow iceberg that’s collapsing on and around you. Norm miller needs some flying lessons because his strategies in emergency situations are so 90’s.

Bonfire with Rachel and her friends down at the bay had a marshmallow fight and took light pictures.

The next day my roommate Jenny and Deb came down from San Francisco to visit and I gave them the full Pacific Beach adventure. I took them to the Pier and told them about how we jumped off once and how we used to sneak into the cottages and be unruly teens. We also drove around trying to find the midget houses, but we got lost for 2 hours and saw no midgets. Then we went to Taco Bell and I fully embarrassed myself. I was reaching for our drinks through the drive thru window and the Mexican guy at the counter said in a heavy accent, “eeeeeh my friend tinks your cuteeee…” I blush and laugh, get really flustered and excited and yell, “… well tell your friend hes a SEXY BIIIIIIITCH!” . I GUNNED IT. Then the dark reality hits me when I hear “you forgot your burrritooossss!” so I have to go in reverse and face the cashier that I just yelled this at and he is laughing his ass off and holds out our burritos and plays the stupid game where he wont give them to me until I repeat what I said. Ahhhhh. Under my breath I mumble “sexybitchbutididntevenseehisfacesoidontknowifhesreallysexy…” I was horrified. Then to finish off the night I took them on a round of donuting with jahvin and sat at Kate sessions park to look at the view and fireworks hidden under our rash of bad weather.

Surf trip to San Onofre. Paddling out and sitting. Nobody knows if your catching waves or not. Its nice to just chill out there. And I think I realized why I used to hate surfing so much is because I never had a leash so I never got out too far because I was always chasing my board to shore or getting hit in the face with it because I didn’t know how to go over waves. DUR. Now that that’s figured out it’s a lot easier.Except next time i could live without people pushing me over when my wetsuits around my ankles ha

Went to Ichiban with Olivia and saw a car crash. Saw Tarah and hung out at the Catameran. This little boy was being paid to dance for us on the edge of the pool. He was doing the poormans truffle shuffle.
Got my Mesa classes. AWESOME. French, freehand drawing, study of aging and dying (mind fuck) and Geography.
Gay pride parade with My aunt, cousins, and my dad. A surprise to me, my dad pulls out of his bag two pairs of glasses with plastic cocks attached to look like noses. thats what my dad does when hes alone, now i know hes melting dildos onto glasses.

Family reunion with second cousins. This kid Clayton is a kick in the pants. he was pretending we were garden hoses and would slap us and say, " do your stuff hoes! work for me!" and then he untied my swimsuit top and spanked me. i was harassed by a 6 year old relative. it was like we were in Tennessee like kissin cousins. its story im going to tell my three armed children on how we met.
"he said Do your stuff Hose!and it made my heart melt!" too far?

Jahvin and I went on an adventure to look at the Invader art that are hidden downtown. This artist makes little tile mosaics of space invader characters and sticks em all over the world. There are 21 and we found about 4, but it was crazy just to hunt and the thrill of the accidently finding them.

Concert at the park.There was a snowcone truck which is a genius idea! peach snow cone and woodstocks gift card for helping Karl, so free PIZZA. Why don’t we always say its someones birthday at restaurants? thats the best thing.Im pretty sure nothings better then free food, unless its poisoned.. Then everything is better except rape and the holocaust.

Played Slosh ballfor the first time and knocked a kid down while he was running the bases and i did one of those moves where youre crying reaaaly hard but you pretend like youre laughing but you are really in pain but you act like what happened was too funny that you are now in hysterics.
I biked over to annes house and she showed me a picture of this beautiful blonde girl who had just gotten in a car crash and her face was ripped off from her chin and her brain was pooring out.I dont know why she showed me, or why i looked but i couldnt stop. It was oddly mesmerizing. I caught myself staring at her wrist still hanging on to the wheel and the patch of hair that was completely detached but looked so perfect. It makes you realize how fragile we are. i dont know how i just turned this into deeeeep thinking, but we die. we die soon actually and what we do right now has no impact on the future. unless you do something great, i need to find that great thing to do thats going to change the world but for now im just keeping busy with pictures of dead chicks and snow cones.


Marlee said...

the midget houses in La Jolla?? Me and some friends went on a hunt for them too and there is like one house that used to be midget but was converted into a regular house, or so said the mexican gardeners that were working across from it

Sexy Giant said...

the taco bell story made me cry. im so happy youve finally decided to update your blog! miss you sg.