Monday, June 28, 2010

Here in PB

Coming back to Pacific Beach led to a slow death in both face booking, perezing, post secreting, and the saddest is the downfall of my blog. What happened?! I was so committed! But sob story that I don’t get internet on my computer and the home ones delete button sticks and makes me want to not go on the computer at all. On the other hand, its fucking beautiful outside so I’m taking advantage of living in paradise and doing errands, art, and tanning on the side. I don’t even know what stress means right now. OH yes I do. Stress comes from watching Lovely Bones,(a movie about neighborhood rapists) when I have a sex offender that lives across the street. They actually had to hand out sacks of rocks with a picture of him on it warning us that he was in our neighborhood Wtf. Ive always been paranoid about rapists but somehow my mom used to reassure me that I was way too HUGE for anyone to ever want to carry me away(that’s right petite sluts, they want you.) My faith in that theory died a fiery death when I realized that he could easily wheelbarrow me over to his rape cave if im not being cautious. Danger is always lurking guys. After we watched this movie I thought everyone was a rapist. All 40 something men on my street either look like chester the molester or they walk 2 legged dogs that have wheelchairs attached to their back half. that’s really specific but I looked out the window today and was surprised by the rare sighting of the second.

Speaking of children and horrible segways… I’ve been babysitting! I’ve been babysitting for my orthodontists kids and I’m actually having a lot of fun with it except the first day…. The youngest is 3 and she was leading me by the hand out into the garage to show me something and she turns around and looks in the recycling bin and inside in a crumpled up ball is a painting she made. She looked up at me with the most pathetic eyes and asked me why her art was in the trashcan. It was heartbreaking, but I told her they probably thought it was a blank piece of paper from the back of it because they would NEVER want to throw away a van Gogh like that so I ironed the crinkles out and put it on the fridge. My friend had babysat for them before while she was potty training and I heard horror stories that included the phrase “fecal rainbows”. She seems to have grown up since then, but she doesn’t eat anything except for gogurt. Its insane, I tried to feed her ranch and carrots and she ended up running away from the table, screaming GRANDMA at the top of her lungs and crying for an hour. So now I just stick with gogurt. Plus I forgot how much kids love bandaids. She would run head first into a wall then ask for a bandaid, my cat nibbled her finger and she wants a bandaid. I had to take them off before I sent her home because she was starting to look like a mummy.

ow that im home its also FAIR TIME! look at rachel being famous on the streets of PB

i love summer. :) are you happy now JENNAY?!

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