Oh today is so gloomy!Another day semi-wasted on the couch waiting for the rain to go away so I can do SOMETHING other than sit on my ass and pretend like im getting things done. On monday when i woke up i was excited because i had made plans to go to Alcatraz (which once in a while i slip and call it Azkaban and realize thats NOT where i want to take a trip to in the near future)so i opened my window and stood on my bed delighted that contrary to my roomates forcast of rain for the next 10 days, it was a gorgeous day! I bust out into the living room and shouted, " ITS A PERFECT DAY FOR ALCATRAZ!". Major letdown when they all said they had homework and they couldnt go. BOTHERED. ugh and now it has been drizzling ever since so I obviously cant to anything except sit on my ass and watch movies on youtube. Today I watched Rocket Man and i forgot how ridiculously cheeseball but so funny. I love when he paints the Sistine Chapel using the tubes of space food as paint. Made some bomb pasta with nacho sauce and Sriracha then watched Marie Antoinette and wished i could live in a classy time, or just be rich and eat raspberries and pastries in big dresses all day. Kirsten Dunst really is pretty minus her fangs. Youtube, youtube, youtube. it makes me so YOUseless ha. i have become obsessed with the 5awesomegays after following Tyler Oakley and the Princess Peach Diaries where this fabulous gay guy dresses in a hannah montana wig and talks about "that bitch Daisy!" please go watch some! I think I need a new hobby other than "internet". I've been drawing on and off but i never finish things because I wait for better ideas to come to me instead of just completing it. Blogging? we'll see.It might have to be since im looking towards more days that are not so perfect for Alcatraz, but pretty dandy for the couch and my laptop.
Keep looking up,
PS. Jesus loves you, but only sometimes.
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